segunda-feira, 30 de maio de 2016

[OPINION] Right’s equity: analysing both men’s and women’s behaviour before rape and misogyny

To properly begin this article, I should state that this is a very opinionated text. I still want to follow the anti-opinionated journalistic line, but when we talk about women, civil or human rights, I do am not open to any discussions, since I believe that we are all equal, independently of our skin colour, political view, religious belief, sex/gender/sexual identification, or any other characteristic considered as a principle of equity. So, if you are in disagree with these opinions, then I strongly recommend that you stop reading this article right here, right now – otherwise, you won’t read it to analyse it, but only to criticize it by whatever that goes against your beliefs.

Last week, the Brazilian population was wrecked by the barbarian news that an only-16-years-old girl was gang-raped by nothing but 33 adult men. No, you didn’t read it wrongly: a young teenager of sixteen years old was raped by thirty-three guys. Ok, I wait for you to take a breath and to analyse this fact for, at least, five seconds. Now you did analyse it, do you really have enough courage to defend the rapists? Well, the digital social medias recently proved that yes, we do have people who defend them and guilt the girl for her own rape. Yes, people are saying she asked to be raped for so many different, but highly frightening, motivations. If you are one of these people, please leave…the world.

Not only the victim is not guilty for her misfortunes, but also what happened to her was not only a crime – it was a simple repetition of the chauvinism intrinsic in our society since the dawn of times. Women have not been respected by men for a very long time, and moreover, men have reduced them to an inferior being in the social hierarchy. Yes, women have been underestimated by men, even though they have already proven themselves the strongest ones when, in times of war, they assumed the position of breadwinner to maintain their children, or when they perform the very same work of men, sometimes as good as them or even better, and they earn around 25% less than them.

A typical chauvinist meme

The main arguments against the raped girl tells that she was savagely attacked by this group of men due to her clothes, her lifestyle, her child, and her sexual preferences. It doesn’t matter if she was wearing short and low-cut clothes, it doesn’t matter if she lives in a slum in Rio de Janeiro and was befriend to drug dealers, it doesn’t matter if she was already a mother by the age of 16, and it also doesn’t matter if she had already had previous experiences with group sex: the girl wasn’t awake, wasn’t in control of her mental faculties, and didn’t allow in any moment this physical and sexual contact with any of these men.

Moreover, there is another important detail: the guys filmed their act of ultra violence and posted it on the web to boast their power of domination and to brag about their masculinity. No, you are not more of a man if you join this kind of practice: you are a completely stupid misogynist and criminal. The girl didn’t even allow the sexual intercourse with any of the men, so she was never aware that she was being filmed in that humiliating situation nor had she permitted the spreading of this audio visual material. Whoever have been part of this horrible scene must be punished: not only the men who gang-raped her, but also the one person who posted the video online and everyone who helped sharing this material.

If you receive any footage of this type of crime, or of any other situations like these, your first attitude must be warn the person who send it to you of all risks involving this and, after, deliver it to the police, so they can investigate the case. Do not ever continue on sharing this kind of material, because if you pass by this without taking any attitude, you are being accessary to the crime – please denounce the case and help in putting the guilty ones in jail.

Throughout the massive discussion awaken by this breaking news, there is, however, an argument given by the feminists that we might discuss it here: they say that every men is a potential rapist just because they were born this way, because they were born men. Ok, let’s take a breath to reflect about this... A couple of years ago, people used to state that black people were inferior to white ones because they were born this way – they were born dumb, they would always be unable of earning good jobs because they were not smart enough to reach the job market, and they were a condemned race and must be extinct. Does this sound bigoted, alienated? Well, if you say men are all potential rapists just because they were born with a penis, you are using the very same logic of slaveholders and Nazis. Men are not all misogynist assholes – only a few parcel of them, who ruin their imagery before society. You don’t have to rape a girl to prove your masculinity – if you prove yourself respectful to ladies and join their daily fight against misogynist behaviour, you are already being a better man than more than a half of your equals.

In order to end this opinionated article, I have some advices for both women and men about their understanding of rape and feminine independency. Ladies first: if you feel, at any time, violated by any men, whatever if in sexual, moral, violent or verbal contexts, you must stand your voice up and denounce the aggression – nobody should get away with the crimes committed; if the police doesn’t take you seriously or makes any attempt to deny your affirmations, you must denounce the policemen to their superior entities – their aim is to hear you and chase the criminals, not question the legitimacy of the violence you suffered; and, at last, remember you always can count on your equals, due to the sorority principle – all women must be together to defend each other from the misogyny. Now the gentlemen: if you still believe that the clothes women wear is an invitation to sexually harass them, you must look for mental treatment because you are one of the potential rapists mentioned above; if you believe that women must do whatever they want to, you are in a good way – you must help them reaching their liberty over misogyny by showing your male friends how not to be a jerk and how to respect the equality between men and women; if you have the responsibility of raising a son, please remember that he will follow your steps as a humankind – so make sure you are a god example to him by treating women the right way; and, if you are raising a daughter, please educate her to be strong, independent, and not to accept any inappropriate contact from any men – sometimes the danger is nearer than you would ever imagine, so you must be careful to be her example as a man. Summing up: out with chauvinism, in with feminine empowerment.

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